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Parking Lot Maintenance: Asphalt Paving Repairs

 Asphalt paving repairs are one of the most cost-effective ways to restore the road surface. Let’s explain it using Jacksonville asphalt repair contractor as an example. The company offers quality materials and adherence to technology at a reasonable cost. For each road construction and repair contract, they offer optimal conditions that allow concluding any coverage at optimal costs.


Capital or current asphalt paving repairs are carried out to eliminate dangerous pits, cracks in the coating, and ruts, restore the continuity, evenness, strength, grip qualities, and waterproofing of the coating, and ensure the standard service life of the repaired areas. The repair is more cost-effective than laying a new coating if these defects do not exceed 25% of the total area.


Before the final estimate for asphalt paving repairs is drawn up, the following works must be carried out:

  • Visit of a specialist to the object. He makes a sketch drawing and supplements it with photos, video materials, and a technical task.

  • Based on the technical task and documentation, construction materials are calculated (how much hot asphalt, crushed stone, and emulsion are needed).

  • An estimate is drawn up and sent to the client for approval. The budget is drawn up considering the customer’s comments; the prices for the necessary materials, transport, and specialists are specified.

  •  The final estimate will be based on the actual cost of materials and the operating time of the special equipment required to perform the work in accordance with current regulations.


Asphalt paving repairs prices depend on the following:

  • cost of necessary mixtures;

  • preparatory work, including cleaning and milling the edges of the pothole, arranging the base;

  • actual asphalting (laying of the mixture, compaction in accordance with technological requirements). 

  • The total price for asphalting and road repair may depend on the remoteness of the object, the number of potholes, their depth and area.


When looking for parking lot maintenance services, keep in mind that companies carry out repair work using the traditional method and the jet-injection method.


The traditional method of pothole repair is performed in a certain sequence:

  1. marking of repair places (maps);

  2. felling, breaking, or milling of damaged areas of the coating and cleaning of the removed material;

  3. cleaning potholes from remaining material, dust, and dirt;

  4. priming the bottom and walls of the pothole with bitumen emulsion or bitumen.

  5. filling potholes with asphalt concrete mixture;

  6. sealing with vibrating rollers in the direction from the edges to the middle.

  7. joints of potholes protruding above the surface of the coating are eliminated by milling or grinding machines.


 The jet-injection pit repair method is performed using specialized machines. Its repair cycle consists of the following stages:

1) The pit or pothole is thoroughly cleaned of dust and dirt with an air jet. Removal of moisture from the surface and heating of the edge of the repair card;

2) Applying a rapidly disintegrating cationic bitumen emulsion to the damaged area of the coating;

3) Filling the pit with hot asphalt mixture, which is maintained at a constant temperature during the working day;

4) Application of dry fine-fraction cube-shaped crushed stone on the asphalt mixture.


 Advantages of using the jet injection method:

  • low cost of carrying out all works;

  • significant reduction of labor costs for pothole repair;

  • an impeccable final result.

  • traffic can be restored almost immediately.

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